Save time and money with Grandpa's Feeders and accessories.

Most durable chicken feeders on the market.
Stop food being damaged by the elements with our waterproof feeders.
Prevent other animals from eating your chicken feed.
No plastic components for rats to chew through.
Lower feeding costs with no wasted feed.
Increase your chicken's egg production by supplying a steady amount of food as they need it.
24 month 100% money-back guarantee.
Proven to be the best automatic chicken feeder in the world for over 20 years.


Prevent pests such as rats, mice and sparrows from eating a large proportion of food provided for your poultry, birds, rabbits or pets. Also prevents pests from soiling the food.

Provide food in an easily accessible manner for your chickens and poultry so you can get away from home, and take a well earned holiday, leaving them with enough food in the feeder for ten days or more.

Protect food not only from pests eating and spoiling the food, but also from weather elements such as wind and rain, ensuring your chicken's food is protected whether at home or away.
Make Life Easier for You and Your Birds
Find out for yourself why people around the world love Grandpa's Feeders.
I am so impressed with the Grandpa’s Feeder. The amount of feed I save is enormous. I have two separate locations for my hens on my property and they are about 500m apart. One house has a Grandpa’s Feeder that feeds 6 hens, 6 bantams, and 4-6 pheasants, yes the pheasants have learnt to open the feeder. At the other hen house, I feed 6 hens twice a day in an open feed trough. It’s obvious that the saving in feed is huge.
Dan M. – New Zealand
Dear Folks. Just to let you know the chook feeder is working a charm. It was three weeks before all the girls clicked up the courage to stand on the platform. I glued a strip of foam plastic under the lid to stop the clatter and that helped. The birds have migrated to another welfare state and I am amazed at just how much feed they consumed. Have only 6 hens and all laying well despite the heat. Cheery Regards.
Julia S. – New Zealand
I've had four of these for approximately two years and these are the best feeder and worth every penny. This feeder took care of spilled feed and helped get rid of the rodents that were scavenging feed every night. After installing and the 3-4 weeks of training I noticed I was using about 10-15% less feed every month. It also got rid of rodent feces I was seeing around my old feeders and nests prior to installing.
Tom. S – United States
I purchased this feeder because I was having a huge problem with rats. Taking away the food source is essential to get rid of rodent problems. Not only is this feeder built well, but it also keeps the food supply tightly closed. I have 10 hens and it took exactly one day for them to figure out how to step on the treadle to get to the food tray. No more wasted food from the hens messy eating habits. No food on the ground.
Lucy. K – United States
I had a bad rat problem! Bad! So bad that I would be watching out of the window in the middle of the day and see at least 30 to 40 rats run across the yard to my chicken coop and eat from my feed bowls. The rats dug holes under my coop, chewed through my siding, and just damaged everything. Not to mention the pounds of feed I was losing. So I bought a Grandpa's feeder. It solved my problem really well, I'm very happy!
Jen H. – United States
I wanted the feeder for a long time but the price prevented me from buying it. We got a flood of mice after a record wet summer, and we could not fight them with the methods that previously worked. Retrieving the feed every night did not seem to help that much either, since the mice were getting the spilled grains. This feeder solved all the problems. Amazingly, the chicken learned how to use it in two weeks.
Mark H. – United States
I have had this feeder in operation for several months now. The build quality is good and it works as advertised. We have experienced a dramatic drop in our feed use. Our rodent problem has all but disappeared. The chickens got the hang of the feeder in about a week with absolutely no issues at all. This product does exactly what it says it does and is a quality item. I recommend this to anyone who asks.
Zamiel A. – United Kingdom
WONDERFUL! Bought several for our farm. Geese, ducks, & chickens all got the hang of it in a few days. Sometimes had to adjust them for light birds, but even our bantams were able to figure how to open them to eat by walking along the step until it opened for them. We saved a LOT of cash on feed in the first couple of months. A good investment. I can say that this feeder is the best thing I've bought in a good while.
Kate T. – United Kingdom
We've had this feeder for a couple of months now, and I was skeptical at first as I was worried that mice would still manged to find a way in. I'm glad to see that my worries were wrong. Now that I'm seeing how little the chickens eat just on their own, I would estimate that 3/4 of the feed was going to rodents. At $16 a bag, this expensive but worth it feeder will pay for itself quickly. 13/10 would buy again.
Luke F. – Australia
This feeder has save me hundreds of dollars in chicken feed. Rural area... Cannot eradicate all mice. But this keeps them out of the feed. It takes a week or so to train the chickens but once they learn, they take to it like it's all they ever had. Each chicken eats at a different pace. I have two of these for about 60 chickens and the new ones this season learned from the older ones. I really love this product!
Jan. A – Australia
We are told time and time again that people are either fed up with their current feeder because they went for the cheap option or that they are sick of wasting feed. We always reply with ‘well you get what you paid for’.
Over 20 years of being in the industry has allowed us to bring a product to the market that we can truly say is the best. And we don’t just talk the talk. We are so confident in our products we offer a 24-month total satisfaction money-back guarantee.

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